Forest Resource Inventory (FRI)


As part of the government’s response to the recommendations from the Minister's Council on Forest Sector Competitiveness, the enhancement of the Forest Resources Inventory program was announced on September 29, 2005. As part of the enhancement the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) assumed full responsibility for production of the Forest Resources Inventory.


Coming out of that decision the administration of funding for the program was assigned to the Forestry Futures Trust Committee.  In addition, a Provincial Forest Inventory Advisory Committee (PFIAC) was established to advise the MNRF on how to ensure the FRI program would remain current and effective.  The PFIAC was given the option of utilizing technical committees to provide input on the design of the program. The MNRF retains the overall stewardship role, policy responsibility, scheduling and priority setting, standard setting, quality control and information management requirements for the program.


FRI Funding Clarification


Funding for the FRI program does not come from the traditional FFT stumpage charge, but has its own funding stream. The FRI program has a separate $10 million/yr commitment from the government to ensure the success of this program. Funding the program does not entail an additional contribution to the FFT by the forest industry, nor does it affect the core FFT silviculture program.


Knowledge Transfer and Tool Development (KTTD)


Round 5- anticipated Requests for proposals Fall 2026


Round 4 -  

Approved project summaries can be found here

July 25 2023

Forestry Futures Trust Committee, in cooperation with the MNRF FRI section, hosted  the KTTD R4 - Research needs to support FRI continuous inventory presentation. The following links provide access to the video, slide deck and follow-up Q&A


Round 3 -  

Approved project summaries can be found here

The table below links project deliverables



Project Number



KTTD Deliverables

KTTD 1A-2021

Craig Robinson

Enhancements for eFRI Next Generation  Handhelds - for VSN Plots

Full code and documentation, added to the public git repository on Github at this link: (

KTTD 5A-2021

Donald Robinson

Linking FRI data to FVS-Ontario

1.Summary  Document

2.Results and Next Steps

3.Hands-on Training session

KTTD 6A-2021

Alain Richard

eFRI Wetland Crosswalk and Applied Products

1. Geodatabases housing EWC habitat types and inferred information; January 2022 

2. DUC - eFRI Wetland Crosswalk and Applied Products - Final Report; 

3. Knowledge and Technology Transfer; March 2022

KTTD 7A-2021

Adam Anderson

Development of LiDAR Based Geospatial tools to Aid in Operational Planning in Ontario



1.Refined of the seasonal operability tool

2.The Road Location Optimization Tool

KTTD 8A-2021

Dr. Ben DeVries (UG) and Dr. Chris MacQuarrie (NRCan)

 Developing an inventory of eastern hemlock for Ontario

1. Ontario Eastern Hemlock inventory:

Single-band raster dataset with an embedded colour table. Class codes are defined as follows:

0: non-hemlock forest stand

1: hemlock-dominant forest stand

2: hemlock/mixwood co-dominant forest stand

3: hemlock/evergreen co-dominant forest stand

255: non-forest and no-data

Available for download at:

2. Google Earth Engine script for loading and pre-processing Sentinel-2 image stacks

This script computes the Infra-Red Enhanced Chlorophyll Index (IRECI) for all available Sentinel-2 images acquired within a given tile ID. It then generates 36 10-day median IRECI composites, aggregating all images over a four-year period.

Available for download at

3. 10-day IRECI composite test stack and accompanying wooded area mask

IRECI test stack:

Wooded area mask:

Pre-trained Hemlock Classifier:

4. Report




KTTD 10A-2021

John Pineau

Private Land Inventory and Economics Study

1.The Ontario Woodlander—An Ontario Woodlot Association Quarterly. Issue 103, June 2021

2.The Ontario Woodlander—An Ontario Woodlot Association Quarterly. Issue 104, September 2021

3.December 15th, 2021 capstone presentation: 2021 MFC Capstone Presentations: December 14th & 15th | Forestry (

4. OWA Conference Presentation (Murray Woods and Ben Gwilliam) April 21st, 2021; starts at 1:30 of the video:

Social Media Posts :

KTTD 11A-2021

Andy Welch

Assisting Ottawa Valley Forest transition to T2 FRI

Project Report


KTTD 1B-2021

Alexander Bilyk

Assessing Site Productivity from Remote Sensing and historic information

Assessing Site Productivity from Remote Sensing and historic information

Assessing Site Productivity via Remote Sensing—Age-Independent Site Index Estimation                           in Even-Aged Forests

Final Report

Webinar of results

KTTD 2B-2021

Dr. Nicholas Coops

Automated Road and Attribute Extraction from SPL Data

Code released for download


Workshops developed and run for Ministry and Forest Company staff on the toolkit

KTTD 3B-2021

Dr. Nicholas Coops

Integration of Photo Interpreted and LIDAR Attributes Into a Polygonal Forest Inventory Framework Attributes

Open source code release


Workshop for industry and Government participants. Peer reviewed papers on approach.

KTTD 10B-2021

Dr. Margaret Penner

Automated characterization of forest vertical structure using single photon LIDAR

Species Prediction Using Single Photon LiDAR Results from the Algonquin Park Forest

Automated characterization of forest canopy vertical layering for predicting forest                               inventory attributes by layer using airborne LiDAR data

KTTD 14B-2021

Dr. Mahadev Sharma

Developing G&Y models for white pine and white spruce plantations

Taper equations for Sw and Pw plantations

Volume equations for Sw and Pw plantations

Journal paper on diameter growth of white spruce and white pine plantations

Implementation and transfer of final model products in MIST

KTTD 16B-2021

Craig Robinson

FIM Compliant LiDAR Inventory of Selected Areas in the Romeo Malette Forest

Webinar  July 13, 2023 entitled LiDAR Derived Individual Tree, Hexagon, and Polygonal Forest Inventories - Romeo Malette Forest

Link and login information to where the individual tree (ITI), hexagon (EFI), and polygon (FRI) inventories and the LiDAR ArcGIS Add-In

user: FFT-LiDAR

pass: GKTB2valuers=

KTTD 16B-2021 Final Report

KTTD 19B-2021

Dr. Kara Webster

Advancing Digital Soil Mapping tools in support of forest resource inventory, planning and decision making

Yanni, S., Webster, K.L. 2024. Forest Soil Datasets in Ontario – Fact Sheets. CFS Information Report. 75pp

Paré, D., Bognounou, F., Emilson, E.J., Laganière, J., Leach, J., Mansuy, N., Martineau, C., Norris, C., Venier, L. and Webster, K., 2024. Connecting forest soil properties with ecosystem services: Toward a better use of digital soil maps—A review. Soil Science Society of America Journal.

Fleming, R.L., Uhlig, P.W., Morris, D.M., Kwiaton, M., Baldwin, K.A., Hazlett, P.W., Webster, K.L. and Chapman, K.A., 2023. A quantitative approach to defining soil nutrient regimes within ecosystem classifications for Northwestern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 53, 620-641.

CFS Group of Analytical Labs (edited by Paré, D., Webster, K., and Norris, C. 2023. Collecting, analysing and storing forest soil data and samples in the age of big data.  A guide for researchers and field practitioners.  Laurentian Forestry Centre publication. ISBN: Fo4-211/2023E-PDF 978-0-660-47983-5.

Blackford, C., Heung, B. and Webster, K.L., 2022. Incorporating spatial uncertainty maps into soil sampling improves digital soil mapping classification accuracy in Ontario, Canada. Geoderma Regional, p.e00495.

Digital soil mapping Newsletter

Blackford, C., Heung, B., Baldwin, K., Fleming, R., Hazlett, P., Morris, D.M., Uhlig, P., Webster, K.L. 2021. Digital Soil Mapping workflow for forest resource applications: A case study in the Hearst Forest, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51: 59–77.

Fact Sheet- Forest Ecosystem Classification/Ecosystem Land Classification

Fact Sheet – Forest Soil Datasets Summary

 KTTD 19B-2021 Final Report


KTTD 20B-2021

Murray Woods

Accelerating the implementation of enhanced forest inventories in Ontario

Acceleration _Algonquin Park Report_July16_22

Algonquin Park LiDAR Model Calibration Results_July19_2022

DogR Matawin LiDAR Model Calibration Results_Feb6_22

Romeo Malette Project Results Nov5_2021

Acceleration _DogRiverMatawin Report_Mar8_22

Acceleration _RomeoMalette Report_March 15

FrenchSevern T2 Final Report_Dec1

-> Plot compilation code and documentation posted to GITHUB development and calibration plot




Round 2

Approved project summaries can be found here and deliverabled linked in the table below, when available.

Project name



Using the eFRI to predict hardwood selection stands in the Bancroft Minden Forest

Bancroft-Minden Forest Company

Project cancelled by applicant

Seasonal Operability Predictor Tool for Forest Operations

Resource Innovations Inc.

Seasonal Operability Predictor Toolbox (.tbx  ArcGIS file) Contact office for file

Seasonal Operability Predictor Tool for Forest Operations - Technical Operations Guide (.pdf)

Overlay Raster (.lyr  ArcGIS file) Contact office for file


WebEx Presentation: 

Forestry Futures Trust Committee KTTD Round 2 Technology Transfer Presentations-20210211 1731-3

 Password: bVMP2Q8P  Presentation

Modeling post-fire residual shoreline forest pattern


Final Report: Newax, Md.S., Mackereth, R.W., Mallik, A.U., McCormick, D., 2020.  How much

boreal lake shoreline is burned by wildfire?  Implications for emulating natural disturbance in

riparian forest management. For. Ecol. Manag. 473, 1-9.


WebEx Presentation

Forestry Futures Trust Committee KTTD Round 2 Technology Transfer Presentations-20210311 1725-3

Password tEpARPg8            Presentation

FRIHub: A Discovery Portal for FRI Data and Products

Lim Geomatics Inc

WebEx Presentation for both projects

 Forestry Futures Trust Committee KTTD Round 2 Technology Transfer Presentations-20210325 1601-2

Password wYwqBWX7

ITESTA - Individual Tree Extraction and Species Typing Analysis

Lim Geomatics Inc

one link for 2 projects

Next Generation eFRI Ground Data Collection App

ArborData Consulting Ltd

Final Report - Next Generation eFRI Mobile Application (.pdf)  

[report contains links to the eLiDAR App (located on Github) and a downloadable Android version of eLiDAR]


WebEx Presentation:  

Forestry Futures Trust Committee KTTD Round 2 Technology Transfer Presentations-20210211 1701-2

 password :6Xa94cPt  Presentation

Development of an enhanced operational forest inventory based on multispectral imagery and 3D point data.

KBM Resources Group


eFRI Accuracy Assessment and Change Update Approaches

University of British Columbia

Final Report - Development of a Forest Inventory using 2018 Single Photon LiDAR and Assessing Decadal Forest Change (.pdf)

WebEx Presentation:

Forestry Futures Trust Committee KTTD Round 2 Technology Transfer Presentations-20210318 1600-2

Password xFdqdWi4    Presentation



Scoping an enhanced G&Y program to complement the eFRI

Forest Analysis Ltd.

Final Report - The Ontario Growth and Yield Program Status and Needs - Report to the Forestry Futures Trust Committee (.pdf)

Ontario Growth & Yield Status and Needs Final Report (.pptx)

An analysis of machine learning methodologies for determining stand level attributes.

KBM Resources Group

Report pending

Enhancing Forest Inventory with Terrestrial LiDAR

Overstory Consultants

Final Report - Enhancing Forest Inventory with TLiDAR (.pdf)

 Science Insights Seminar Feb. 6, 2019 - Enhancing Growth and Yield Data Collection and Forest Resource Inventory with Terrestrial LiDAR 


WebEx Presentation:

Forestry Futures Trust Committee KTTD Round 2 Technology Transfer Presentations-20210311 1701-2

Password   mDnsShb2      Presentation


Exploring the innovation potential of single photon LiDAR for Ontario’s eFRI

Canadian Institute of Forestry

Final Report - Exploring the Innovation Potential of Single Phton LiDAR for Ontario's eFRI (.pdf)

Appendix C Part 1 2018 AFRIT SPL Inventory Field Protocols (.pdf)

Appendix C Part 2 Small Tree Sampling Protocol (.pdf)

Appendix C Part 3 Validation Data Collection Protocols for Petawawa Research Forest (.pdf)

Appendix D Penner Petawawa Research Forest SPL Final Report (.pdf)



CIF/IFC Electronic Lecture Feb. 6, 2019 - Remote Sensing Tools and Approaches to eFRI - an Ontario &

National Snapshot  pdf and  

Article in Canadian Institute of Forestry membership magazine:                                                                                             CIF. Strong research collaborations are key in exploring the innovation potential of new technologies

for the forest sector:  New data for mapping the terrain surface. The Leader, Spring 2020, pp. 20-23. 

English copy: 

French Copy:

Evaluating the capacity of single photon lidar for terrain characterization
under a range of forest conditions.pdf

The Forestry Chronicle • 23 February 2021 • Assessing single photon LiDAR for operational implementation of an enhanced forest inventory in diverse mixedwood forests-

WebEx presentation:

Forestry Futures Trust Committee KTTD Round 2 Technology Transfer Presentations-20210218 1700-2

password Jxz7gTbF Presentation



A Review, Enhancement, and Accuracy Assessment of Wetland Features within the eFRI

Confederation College

Final Report - A Review, Enhancement, and Accuracy Assessment of Wetland Features within the eFRI

WebEx presentation:

Forestry Futures Trust Committee KTTD Round 2 Technology Transfer Presentations-20210225 1659-2

password Hf3mfPky Presentation

Validation of eFRI  and SkyForest

First Resource Management Group Inc.

Summary Report - Validation of the eFRI and SkyForestTM with validation samples on the Temagami Forest  pending

WebEx presentation:

Forestry Futures Trust Committee KTTD Round 2 Technology Transfer Presentations-20210225 1730-3

password TmRUBpJ8  Presentation

Post-Harvest Surveys from Satellite Capture and Machine Learning

Global Surface Intelligence Ltd. (GSI)

Final Report - ForestNow Post-Harvest Regeneration Determination in the Romeo Malette Forest

one link for 3 presentations below

Forest Health Monitoring from Satellite Capture and Machine Learning

Global Surface Intelligence Ltd. (GSI)

Final Report- ForestNow Forest Health Monitoring Using AI and Satellite Images in the Romeo Malette Forest

one link for 3 presentations below

Species Composition Determined from Satellite Images and Machine Learning

Global Surface Intelligence Ltd. (GSI)

Final Report - ForestNow Tree Species Composition Identification Results for the Romeo 

Malette and Ned Lake Forests


WebEx presentation for all 3 GSI projects:

Forestry Futures Trust Committee KTT Round 2 Technology Transfer Presentations-20210304 1700-2

password cPUD3Mem


Round 1

All projects are closed.  Links to presentations can be found under the Workshop menu.

> eFRI Program 2017-2026 Strategic Plan