Year 2009

December 18, 2009:

Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 29 – Job Stimulus


There were 49 applications submitted for funding for Round 29 of which 22 received either full or partial funding. Requested was $16 million and allocated was $6.2 million or 39% of the request. The Forestry Futures Trust Committee was pleased in the response to the call and the quality of the submissions. We recognize that eligible opportunities remain (see below).











Criteria on which the decisions were based are as follows:

  • Natural disturbance
  • Job creation/stock production
  • Quality of project (including # of hectares treated)


The Job Stimulus round lead to the production and planting of 10 million seedlings, created 3,500 person/weeks of employment and treated 8,000 hectares of Crown forest.



December 10, 2009:

Decisions for the Round 29 Job Stimulus Program have been made and applicants receiving funds have been contacted. Written responses to all applicants will be mailed by Friday, December 11, 2009. A decision summary will be posted the week of December 14th


November 09, 2009:

Invitation to Participate in Round 29

Silviculture Job Stimulus Program

The Forestry Futures Trust Committee is pleased to invite Sustainable Forest License holders and Managers of Crown units to participate in the twenty-ninth call for applications under the recently announced Silviculture Job Stimulus Program. This call is the result of a special new one year silviculture job stimulus program announced earlier today by the Hon. Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry. The program will provide up to $6 million in additional work for the silviculture service industry.

The Committee is holding a conference call on Tuesday November 10th to roll out this new initiative. SFL holders, MNR Districts and silviculture service providers are encouraged to participate. Conference call details will be e-mailed to our contact lists on Monday afternoon. If you have not been contacted please call (807)343-8503 to be put on our list.

The Committee has streamlined the application and reporting process for this special round. Applications are due by November 27, 2009, with decisions made December 4 2009.


November 02, 2009:

2010 and 2011 Independent Forest Audits

The Forestry Futures Trust Committee extends an invitation to all interested forestry and environmental auditors to bid on the upcoming Independent Forest Audit (IFA) contracts. A diverse auditor pool enhances the IFA program in conducting independent and thorough reviews of forestry in Ontario to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations and to provide their professional assessment regarding the sustainability of our forests. To ensure an open and transparent process, we have provided the following information on our web site…. 2010 and 2011 IFA


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