Latest News for this year
December 23, 2020
The Forestry Futures Trust Committee (FFTC) call for Round 3 proposals for the enhanced Forest Resource Inventory – Knowledge Transfer and Tool Development Program (eFRI – KTTD) is CLOSED.
September 29, 2020
The 2019-2020 FFTC Annual Report is now available for viewing in the Annual Report section.
September 9, 2020
Applications for Round 51 is now closed.
July 24, 2020
For Round 50, $3,359,207 was approved for the funding of projects within the Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Program. Of the 16 applications received, 14 were approved, one did not meet eligibility criteria, and one is pending.
Among Silviculture Eligibility Categories, ten projects from Category 1: Intensive Stand Improvement received $2,624,825 in total funding (six from the Northeast and two from each of the Northwest and South Regions). Two projects in Category 2: Stand Rehabilitation after Natural Disturbance were approved for $318,472 (one from each of the Northeast and South Regions). One project in Category 3: Pest Control from the South Region received $258,488 in funding and another project in Category 4: Insolvency from the Northwest Region was approved for $157,423.
Among Regions, the Northeast received 65% of the approved funding with a total of $2,192,152, the South received 25% with $847,570 in funding, and the Northwest, 10%, with $319,485 in project approvals.
May 2020
COVID19 FFT Incremental Silvicuture Cost Program
The Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) announced that as part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ontario is making $3.5 million available through the Forestry Futures Trust to assist with incremental costs for protective measures required for the 2020 tree planting program. This program is closed.
January 31, 2020
For Round 49, $1,544,969 was approved for the funding of projects within the Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Program. Of the 13 applications received, 11 were approved, one did not meet eligibility criteria, and one is pending.
Among Silviculture Eligibility Categories, four projects from Category 1: Intensive Stand Improvement received $760,144 in total funding (three from the Northeast and one from the Northwest Regions). Five projects in Category 2: Stand Rehabilitation after Natural Disturbance were approved for $568,554 (four from the Northeast and one from the Northwest Regions). Two Category 4: Insolvency projects were approved for $216,271 (one from each of the South and Northeast Regions), while no applications were received under Category 3: Pest Control.
Among Regions, the Northeast received 62% of the approved funding with a total of $964,624; the Northwest received 24% with $371,552 in funding; and the South, 14%, with $208,793 in project approvals.
January 9, 2020
Applications for FFT Silviculture Round 50 are now closed.