Year 2012

December 18, 2012

The 2011-2012 FFT Annual Report is now available for viewing in the Annual Report section.  All project information previously included in the body of the annual report will be updated annually at the individual FFT program links.    

November 2012

Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 35 Results

The Forestry Futures Committee received seventeen (17) applications for funding in Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 35 from across the province. The total request for funding equaled approximately $6.5 million. Thirteen projects were awarded $5.1 million for full or partial funding.
The regional distribution of approved fund allocation by category is illustrated in the accompanying graph.

Over $3 million was allocated to remediation with a significant portion of funds directed towards a large rehabilitation of spruce budworm damaged forest in northwest Ontario and a post-fire project in the northeast Ontario. Approximately $2.1 million was directed to stand improvement in northeastern Ontario and southern Ontario with funds awarded to tolerant hardwood, degraded hardwood and pine stands and jack pine spacing projects. The Committee has requested further clarification for one proposal from southern Ontario; this represents a possible additional commitment $75,000.

September 20, 2012


Forestry Futures Committee announces enhanced Forest Resource Inventory (eFRI) Training Course


The Forestry Futures Committee is pleased to announce the newest Knowledge Transfer and Training Development (KTTD) training course.  The course description can be found below:




This one-day module will introduce eFRI to resource managers. The instructors will present and describe a number of eFRI products that can be derived from the imagery. In addition, the instructors will present examples of the application of the imagery and related products. Managers will also have opportunity to increase their familiarity and understanding of the value of the digital imagery and the investment required. Case study scenarios where users have seen a return on investment from using eFRI imagery will be presented. This course is intended for management personnel. Please note this is not a technical course.
September 7, 2012
The Forestry Futures Trust Committee iinvitation to participate in FFT Silviculture Round 35 is closed.
June 1, 2012
Recently the Forestry Futures Committee reviewed 14 proposals for Forestry Futures Trust funding: 10 received full or partial funding and 4 did not receive funding.  Total amount requested was $2.2 million and total amount of funds approved was $1.5 million.  The distribution by region and by category can be found to the right.


April 2, 2012

Please note:
The email address for submitting claims has changed.  A generic email account has been set up to receive all claims for payment by the Secretariat. Please submit all Forestry Futures Trust claims requests to both:  and

March 20, 2012

In an effort to provide regular, up-to-date information on the status of the enhanced Forest Resource Inventory, the Ministry of Natural Resources is now preparing a brief, biannual newsletter update that will be shared via the Forestry Futures Trust website.  Enhancing Ontario's Forest Resource Inventory Fall 2011

March 5, 2012

The Forestry Futures Trust Committee invitation to participate in FFT Silviculture Round 34 is closed.


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