Year 2013

May 21, 2013

Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 36 Results
The Forestry Futures Committee received ten (10) applications for funding in Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 36 from across the province. The total request for funding equalled approximately $1.6 million.  Nine projects were awarded $1.1 million for full or partial funding.  The regional distribution of approved fund allocation by category is illustrated in the accompanying graph.  Note that funding in the northeast represented 100% of applications received.
Over $375,000 was allocated to two separate white and red pine remediation projects in southern Ontario.  A further commitment of $300,000 for stand improvement spans both the northeast and southern regions with projects including thinning for both hardwood and conifer release and a removal cut enhanced tending project.
The remediation funding in northwestern Ontario includes two prescribed burn projects in areas impacted by wind events and the resulting blowdown, with the third project addressing the remediation and reforestation of a prescribed burn in an area damaged by a wind event in 2008.

April 29, 2013

In an effort to provide regular, up-to-date information on the status of the enhanced Forest Resources Inventory, the Ministry of Natural Resources is now preparing a biannual newsletter that will be shared via the Forestry Futures Trust website.
Enhancing Ontario's Forest Resource Inventory Winter 2013


April 22, 2013

The FFC welcomes Tracey Bradley R.P.F. to our team as the Program Coordinator for Silviculture and eFRI.

Tracey is a UNB grad (2006) who has worked in NW Ontario for 7 years.  She brings enthusiasm, strong experience in boreal forest silviculture, recent FMP involvement and has participated in 5 IFAs as an industry partner.    

January 16, 2013
Applications for  FFT Silviculture Round 36 are now closed.

January 3, 2013

Enhanced SFL Transition Program

The Forestry Futures Committee will be accepting applications for funding to support the transition to Enhanced Sustainable Forest Licenses. The Forestry Futures Committee, in collaboration with Ministry staff, has developed the following guidance and application documents for this program. This initiative is a key element of the Ministry’s broader Tenure Modernization process.

NOTE: The Adobe PDF application documents presented in the eSFL program section are for information purposes only. Please contact MNRF’s Forest Tenure Section before proceeding with filling out the application.  In general, requests for funding should be developed through collaboration among communities, First Nations, and other existing or future Enhanced SFL partners.


eFRI Managers Training Workshop Update

The Forestry Futures Committee in partnership with MNR and Lakehead University recently held a one-day workshop that introduced eFRI to resource managers and presented various applications that could be derived from eFRI products. Murray Radford (MNR) gave a brief overview of the program and Alex Bilyk (Lakehead University) led the workshop.  
There were 12 registrants actively participated in the course with lively discussions that were peppered with questions throughout the day. The morning session focused on the details of the data being collected, an overview of software requirements (and costs) and the various options required to view the 3D imagery. The afternoon session covered data using case studies and examples of it can be applied for cost savings. This seemed to be of most interest to the audience. The application of the imagery and how it can be used for fieldwork was also discussed (i.e. transferring the 3D imagery to hand held devises such as iPad, Playbook and GPS). 
Information discussed included:

    Inclusion of Ecological Land Classification
    Soft copy options, storage requirements, and challenges related to data management
    Capturing the imagery – how it was done and challenges encountered
    Applications of imagery data

At the end of the day, the participants were asked to fill out a feedback questionnaire.
Feedback from the participants identified a number of topics for future training endeavors: enhancing imagery (technical), geo-database, urban interface and the application of the new inventory to resource planning.
Please e-mail attn: Mona Wiltshire FFT-eFRI Program Coordinator if you would like more information.


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