Algonquins Of Ontario Forest Resource Program 

On December 8, 2020, the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry specified the following as a new purpose for the Forestry Futures Trust (FFT):

Pursuant to Section 51(3), paragraph 4 of the Crown Forest Sustainability Act, I am specifying a new purpose for the Forestry Futures Trust (FFT). The purpose is to fund capacity building and economic development related to forestry, for Indigenous communities as treaty settlements are finalized.

For clarity, the Minister further specified the purpose as follows:

To provide Indigenous communities with funding for capacity building and economic development related to forestry on proposed treaty settlement lands. This new purpose will be referred to as the “Treaty Settlements Transition Component” (the Program).

The Treaty Settlements Transition Component funds derived from harvest on proposed settlement lands would be available for transfer to the Indigenous community or communities to whom the relevant treaty settlement lands are proposed to be transferred. These funds will be made available to the Indigenous communities for capacity building and economic development related to forestry.


The Algonquins of Ontario (AOO) has funding available to help their communities, members and businesses develop capacity and create economic development opportunities in the forestry sector. The funds can be used for training, equipment, hands-on work in the forest, or work related to biological, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, social or scientific values that contribute to healthy forests.  Refer to the provided instructions for examples of eligible and ineligible activities.


Communities eligible for this program include:

       Algonquins of Greater Golden Lake First Nation

       Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation

       Antione Nation

       Bonnechere Algonquin First Nation 

       Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini Algonquin First Nation (Bancroft)

       Mattawa/North Bay Algonquin First Nation


       Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation (Sharbot Lake)

       Snimikobi Algonquin First Nations (Ardoch)

       Whitney and Area Algonquins



Forms for this Program:

TS AOO Application_2023  (word)

TS AOO Application Budget 2023-24 (excel)

Instructions for Applying to the TS -AOO Forest Resource Program (pdf)