October 18, 2019
The 2018-2019 FFTC Annual Report is now available for viewing in the Annual Report section.

September 6, 2019
Applications for FFT Silviculture Round 49 are now closed.

September 5, 2019
Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 48 Results
For Round 48, $7,615,307 was approved for the funding of eight silviculture projects.  Of the 12 applications received, eight were approved, three did not meet eligibility criteria and not approved and two are pending.
Among Silviculture Eligibility Categories, five projects from Category 1:  Intensive Stand Improvement received $1,960,002 in total funding (four from the South and one from the Northeast Regions).  One project in Category 2: Stand Rehabilitation after Natural Disturbance from the Northwest Region was approved for $638,695.  Two Category 3: Pest Control projects received a total of $5.6 M in funding ($5.4 M for a Jack Pine Budworm Insect Pest Management Program in the Northwest Region and $228,000 for the Southern Region).  There was one Category 4: Insolvency project submitted in the Northwest Region that was approved for $2,147 but withdrawn by the applicant.
Among regions, the Northwest received the highest amount with $6,010,519 in total funding while the Southern and Northeast Regions received $872,333 and $732,455, respectively. 
March 29, 2019 - UPDATE

Lim Geomatics has postponed the half-day knowledge transfer and information workshop about the new frontiers of enhanced forest resource inventory findings and results from two eFRI KTTD projects funded by the Forestry Futures Trust. We’ll also preview existing Lim Geomatics’ game-changing SaaS tools and provide an exclusive look at the integrated digital tools we’re launching for the forestry industry in the next few months.


June 2019
KTTD Round 2 Deliverables will be linked to the table, under the eFRI program dropdown, as available.  

February 1, 2019
Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 47 Results

For Round 47, $4,398,064 were approved for the funding of 15 silviculture projects.  Of the 16 applications received, 15 were approved without condition and one pending with conditions.  From Round 45, one project continues to be under consideration.
Among Silviculture Eligibility Categories, seven projects from Category 1:  Intensive Stand Improvement received $3,129,618 in total funding (six from the South and one from the Northeast Regions).  Seven projects in Category 2: Stand Rehabilitation After Natural Disturbance were approved for $942,001 in funding (four from the South, two from the Northwest and one from the Northeast Regions) and another in Category 4: Insolvency received from the Northeast Region obtained $326,446.
Among regions, the South received the highest amount with $3,072,041 in total funding while the Northeast and Northwest Regions received $1,113,505 and $212,519, respectively.

January 30 2019
eFRI KTTD Project:  Scoping an Enhanced Growth and Yield Program Regional Workshops - FOLLOW UP

In the fall of 2018, four workshops were held in Timmins, Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay, and Peterborough to solicit input on Ontario’s Growth and Yield needs to support sustainable forest management for the next 20 years and beyond.  The workshops, that were delivered by Drs. Margaret Penner and Doug Pitt, were well attended and many issues were raised that will be incorporated in a final report (to be posted here upon completion later this year).  Submitted presentations from the workshops are posted below and others will appear as they are provided.
> Policy Planning
> FRI 2017-2027 Cycle
> Introduction to Ontario's Growth and Yield Program


Year 2019

For past years please use the drop down menu above or click on the year below

2019 2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015  | 2014  |  2013  |  2012  |  2011  |  2010  |  2009