Year 2011

October 27, 2011
After careful review, the Silviculture Round 29 Job Stimulus Summary Report is available for viewing.  Please follow this attached link to download the  Round 29 Summary Report.

August 24, 2011

The Forestry Futures Trust Committee invitation to participate in FFT Silviculture Round 33 is closed.

June 30, 2011

There were eleven applications for Round 32 that totaled $4,534,984 in requests for funding.  Nine applications were approved for a total of $2,236,077.  The regional distribution of funds is summarized in the graph.
February 16, 2011

The Forestry Futures Trust Committee invitation to participate in FFT Silviculture Round 32 is closed.

February 8, 2011

Recently the Forestry Futures Trust Committee attended the "Taking Stock- inventory options for today and tomorrow" held January 26, 2011 in Kapuskasing.  It was a joint venture between FRP (Forest Research Partnership) and CIF (Canadian Institute of Forestry). The MNR and FFTC led a facilitated discussion that explored Research & Development and Training Needs.  Questionnaires  were distributed to 5 groups ( formed by stakeholder affiliation) and 5 minute presentations were given at the end of the session that discussed the group's views on the two questionnaires.    
The FFTC wishes to thank the organizers of this sucessful event, for allowing us to survey the capitve audience for their input.  Additionally, thank you to John Pinneau (CIF) for allowing us to post some of his pictures.

February 1, 2011

The 2009/2010 FFT Annual Report is now available for viewing.  As with the past few annual reports, it is the streamlined report format for ease of downloading and reading.  All project information previously included in the body of the report will be updated annually at the individual program links.  We welcome any feedback regarding this new format.

This year three FFT silviculture rounds are reported, instead of the usual two.  Round 29 Job Stimulus was a special $6 million round funded by the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry.  Please look for an update regarding this round to be posted in the very near future.

January 17, 2011

eFRI Research & Development and Training Survey

The Forestry Futures Trust Committee and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Inventory Monitoring and Assessment Section) recently sent out a survey regarding the enhanced Forest Resource Inventory program.  If you were inadvertantly missed, please consider spending a few moments to fill out the survey (link below) and email it to  We are targeting the end of January 2011 for results. Also posted below is a letter of invitation from the Chair, Maureen Kershaw, R.P.F. that provides further details.

FFTC eFRI Survey invitation letter (pdf)
eFRI R&D and Training survey (excel)

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