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Year 2018

October 24, 2018

Scoping an Enhanced Growth and Yield Program
Regional Workshops
The Forestry Futures Trust Committee (FFTC) invites you to attend one of four regional workshops entitled Scoping an Enhanced Growth and Yield Program and to participate in identifying strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for Ontario’s Growth and Yield Program.
These forums are a component of a project funded through the Forestry Futures Trust’s eFRI Knowledge Transfer and Tool Development Program and will be led by Dr. Margaret Penner and Dr. Doug Pitt.  The objective of the workshops is to bring forest industry and government together to identify the growth and yield needs required to serve sustainable forest management in Ontario for the next twenty years and beyond.  Specifically, we wish to identify the growth and yield elements that will support forest management planning in Ontario, given future directions in inventory, modeling and planning.
The four workshops will take place according to details shown in the chart below and will be held each day from 12 to 5 pm on Day 1 and 8 am to 1:30 pm on Day 2 (lunch will be provided both days).

Date City Venue Last Day for Registration
Nov. 13 – 14, 2018 Timmins Cedar Meadows Resort Nov. 2
Nov. 20 – 21, 2018 Sault Ste. Marie Delta Inn Nov. 16
Nov. 26 – 27, 2018 Thunder Bay Valhalla Inn Nov. 22
Dec. 4 – 5, 2018 Peterborough Lion’s Club Nov. 28

Prior to the workshop, participants will receive background material that will include summaries of where the forest inventory, forest management planning, and monitoring programs are now and where they may be going in the next 5 to 10 years.  The intent is to provide this to the workshop participants as context – not discuss/debate these programs or their directions.  The background material will also include a summary of the current Growth and Yield Program and modeling.  A questionnaire will be included in the background information, soliciting input to the discussions prior to the workshop.
Facilitated discussion at the workshops will focus on the Growth and Yield Program and opportunities, given the current and anticipated needs and inputs from related programs.
If you are unable to attend one of the regional workshops but would like to provide written input, please let us know.  Your name will be included on a circulation list to receive background information for the workshop and a questionnaire with questions that we hope to cover at the workshop.  If you are interested in this option, please provide your contact information directly to Dr. Margaret Penner (see contact information below).
Proceedings from the workshops will be summarized and presented to the MNRF as material for setting priorities and program planning.  Outcomes will also be shared with forest industry and the FFTC to facilitate ongoing dialogue.
September 10, 2018
Applications for  FFT Silviculture Round 47 are now closed.

September 7, 2018
Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 46 Results

For Round 46, $1,902,000 was approved for the funding of nine silviculture projects.  Of the 11 applications received, two were rejected; one from the Northeast Region and one from the Northwest Region.  An application received for Round 45 is still under consideration.
Among Silviculture Eligibility Categories, seven projects from Category 1:  Intensive Stand Improvement received $1,430,919 in total funding (three from the Northeast and four from the South Regions).  One project in Category 2: Remediation submitted from the Northwest Region was approved for $325,331 in funding and another in Category 3: Protection received from the South Region obtained $145,770.
Among regions, the Northeast received the highest amount with $865,778 in total funding while the South and Northwest Regions received $710,911 and $325,331, respectively.


January 8, 2018
Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 45 Results

Eight applications were received for Round 45, six of which were approved for $1.12M in funding by the FFTC.  One project from the Northeast Region was deemed to be ineligible for funding and another from that region is pending a decision.
Among categories, four projects in Category 1: Intensive Stand Improvement received $759,200 in total funding (one from the Northwest and three from the South Regions), one project in Category 2: Remediation from the Northwest Region received $40,000 and another in Category 3: Protection from the Southern Region received $322,000.
Among regions, the South received $986,129 in total funding and the Northwest received $134,646.  No project proposals were received from the Northeast Region for Round 45.

January 5, 2018
Applications for  FFT Silviculture Round 46 are now closed.