Year 2014

October 24, 2014

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry biannual newsletter, for the enhanced Forest Resources Inventory, is available.
Enhancing Ontario's Forest Resource Inventory Spring 2014    

October  21, 2014

The 2013-2014 FFT Annual Report is now available for viewing in the Annual Report section.  All project information previously included in the body of the annual report will be updated annually at the individual FFT program links.

September 23, 2014

Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Program Open House

Please join us on October 1, 2014 at the McIntyre Centre in Timmins for coffee, tea and pastries.  Forestry Futures will be available to discuss:

    Pilot programs for funding supervision and pre-project planning
    Revitalization of low-stocked stands
    How to complete the new application
    How to complete the new budget tables

Opportunity will also be provided to discuss potential upcoming projects with the Forestry Futures Trust Team.
September 8, 2014
Applications for  FFT Silviculture Round 39 are now closed.

August 15, 2014
Independent Forest Audit field season has begun.
The FFTC is administering 5 IFAs this summer.

Whiskey Jack Forest  by Arbex Forest Resource Consultants Ltd. in August 2014
Lakehead Forest  by KBM Resource Group  in   August 2014
Caribou Forest  by  Arbor Vitea Environmental Services Ltd. in September 2014
White River Forest  by Craig Howard R.P.F.  in September 2014
Big Pic Forest  by Arbex Forest Resource Consultants Ltd.  in September 2014
July 22, 2014
The Forestry Futures Trust has distributed over 180 million dollars in support of eligible silviculture projects on Ontario’s Crown forest lands since it was established in 1995. Although Forestry Futures Trust Committee (FFTC) members have visited a number of the projects from inception through to completion on an ad-hoc basis, there has been no formal field evaluation. A structured field inspection plan has been designed to and the accompanying link to the  Silviculture Site Visit Report 2013 is now available.

July 7, 2014
Updated Silviculture Reimbursement Forms are now available

As of July 1st, all reimbursement claims to the FFT must use the current (dated July 2014) interim and final reimbursement forms.  These forms follow the current MNR HST protocol.  HST is identified and paid as part of the total reimbursement.

Forms can be found under  the Forms/Reports dropdown tab.

July 3, 2014
Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 38 Results

The Forestry Futures Trust Committee received seventeen (17) applications for funding in Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 38 from across the province. The total request for funding was $3.1 million.  Fourteen projects were considered eligible for funding and were awarded $2.5 million.  The reduced level of approved funding largely reflects scaling back of projects after discussion with the applicants.  The regional distribution of eligible requests and allocated funding by category is illustrated in the accompanying graph.
Two large remediation projects make up 50% of the allocated funding addressing the remediation of a large fire in the northeast and historical budworm damage in the northwest.  Funds awarded under the insolvency category are to address a silvicultural liability as a result of a bankruptcy.

January 23, 2014

eFRI Managers Workshop

This one-day workshop will introduce eFRI to resource managers. The presenters will provide an overview of the eFRI program and current progress.  They will also describe a number of eFRI products that can be derived from the imagery. In addition, the presenters will provide examples of the application of the imagery and related products. Managers will have the opportunity to increase their familiarity and understanding of the value of the digital imagery and the investment required. Case study scenarios where users have seen a return on investment from using eFRI imagery will be presented. This course is intended for management personnel.


Presenters include: Alex Bilyk (Lakehead University);  Murray Radford, Coordinator – Forest Resource Inventory Program (OMNR); and Geordie Robere-McGugan, Inventory Development Specialist (OMNR).

Location:       Orillia Campus – Lakehead University

Date:             February 4, 2014

Time:             8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Cost:             $125 per participant


All further inquiries can be directed to Tracey Bradley, Program Coordinator, Forestry Futures Trust at (807) 343-8851 or



January 22, 2014
Applications for  FFT Silviculture Round 38 are now closed.

Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 37 Results

The Forestry Futures Committee received fourteen (14) applications for funding in the Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 37 from across the province. The total request for funding equalled $2.7 million.  All eligible projects were fully or partially funded.  In total $1.6 million was allocated.  The regional distribution of approved fund allocation by category is illustrated in the accompanying graph.

Stand improvement represents the majority of approved projects in Round 37.  Four of these projects in the southern region focus on stand improvement in white pine (Pinus strobus), red pine (Pinus resinosa) and tolerant hardwoods.  Two of these projects include increasing the red oak (Quercus rubra) component in stands.

The remediation allocation in northwestern Ontario is targeted to support a conifer wood supply enhancement project involving the reforestation of low volume mixed wood stands with off-site trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) to conifer dominated forest units.  This project is intended to increase future conifer wood supply.

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