Year 2016

December 22, 2016

FFTC would like to announce they have hired Peter Street, R.P.F. as their new IFA Program Coordinator.  Peter has over 30 years in active forest management experience across the province of Ontario. As well, he has been both an IFA auditee and IFA auditor.

We wish Ken VanEvery R.P.F. all the best  in his new position with the MNRF Aylmer District Office and thank him for his 14 years working with the Committee.

October 25, 2016

Vendor of Record Opportunity: Independent Forest Audits for Crown Forests in Ontario (OSS_00602715)
A request for bid to establish a Vendor of Record for the Independent Forest Audit program has been posted on the Ontario governments e-Tender portal website.
The Vendor of Record will be used to retain audit firm services for the Independent Forest Audit program for the next 3-5 years.  Key deadlines:

    RFB Posted: 18-October-2016
    Deadline for Bidders to submit any clarification questions: 04-November-2016
    Deadline for Bidder submissions: 18-November-2016


October 19, 2016

The 2015-2016 FFT Annual Report is now available for viewing in the Annual Report section.

October 11, 2016

R. A. Riley, Chair of FFTC would like to announce the addition of Shelley Vescio, R.P.F., as a contract staff specialist with the Forestry Futures Trust Committee. Shelley was most recently employed as the City Forester, Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay. Shelley will be starting later this month in our Thunder Bay office.

September 30, 2016

Applications for FFT Silviculture Round 43 are now closed.

July 14, 2016

Independent Forest Audit of the Lake Nipigon Forest
The Request For Bids on the Nipigon Forest Independent Forest Audit has been posted as a current opportunity on Bravo  (

It is Project tender – 4353 and Project Reference : OSS_00589912

The tender bid opportunity closes July 29, 2016.

May 26 2016
Independent Forest Audit field season has begun.

The FFTC is administering 12 IFAs this summer.  Two pilot* audits are being conducted in 2016 following a modernized process. The results of these pilots will be used to make changes to the audit program in 2017 and into the future.

Forest Auditor Field Audit Time Frame
Magpie Forest KBM Resources Group June 2016
Spanish Forest Arbex Forest Resource Consultants Ltd. July 2016
Mazinaw Lanark Forest Arbor Vitea Environmental Services Ltd. July 2016
Nipissing Forest Arbex Forest Resource Consultants Ltd. August 2016
Gordon Cosens Forest Arbex Forest Resource Consultants Ltd. September 2016
Sudbury Forest* KBM Resources Group September 2016
Pic River Forest Arbor Vitea Environmental Services Ltd. September 2016
Timiskaming Forest Craig Howard R.P.F. September 2016
French Severn KBM Resources Group September 2016
Algoma Forest -* Arbor Vitea Environmental Services Ltd. October 2016
Temagami Forest KBM Resources Group October 2016
Lake Nipigon Forest Merin Forest Management September 2016

Interested in becoming an IFA Auditor or bidding on IFA contracts? Throughout the coming year FFC and MNRF will be offering opportunities to become a contractor for the IFA program.

April 1, 2016

Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry has appointed Ray Riley as Chair of the Forestry Futures Trust Committee along with Bill Baker and James Harrison as new members of the committee. Ray, Bill and James are well known in the forestry community and together they bring a strong combination of forest policy, operations and organizational governance experience to the work of the committee.

Herb Bax and Mike Barker continue their work with the committee and will play an important role in assisting with the transition of the new members.

Bob Elliott and Erik Wang have chosen to move on to other areas of interest and are thanked for their many years of productive participation in support of the committee.

March 18, 2016

Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 42 Results
The Forestry Futures Trust Committee received thirteen (13) applications for funding in Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 42 from across the province. The total request for funding was $2.63 million.  Twelve (12) projects were considered approved for funding and were awarded $2.56 million.  The regional distribution of eligible requests and allocated funding by category is illustrated in the accompanying graph.

Twenty-two percent (22%) of funding was allocated to remediation projects.  Seventy-three percent (73%) of funding was allocated to stand improvement projects.  Four percent (4%) of funding was allocated to protection projects. No projects were received under the insolvency category in this round.
March 17, 2016

The third year of the Committee's field inspection plan has been completed.  The Silviculture Site Visit Report 2015 is now available.  

January 5, 2016

Applications for  FFT Silviculture Round 42 are now being closed.

January 4, 2016
Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 41 Results

The Forestry Futures Trust Committee received nine (9) applications for funding in Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 41 from across the province. The total request for funding was $6.3 million.  Seven (7) projects were considered approved for funding and were awarded $5.1 million.  The regional distribution of eligible requests and allocated funding by category is illustrated in the accompanying graph.

Fifty-six percent (56%) of funding was allocated to remediation projects.  Thirty-nine percent (39%) of funding was allocated to stand improvement projects.  Five percent (5%) of funding was allocated to protection projects. No projects were received under the insolvency category in this round.


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