Year 2015
December 7, 2015
A Ontario Forest Resources Inventory Production Status map is available for viewing.
November 3, 2015
The 2014-2015 FFT Annual Report is now available for viewing in the Annual Report section. All project information previously included in the body of the annual report will be updated annually at the individual FFT program links.
August 24, 2015
Applications for FFT Silviculture Round 41 are now closed.
July 30, 2015
The second year of the Committee's field inspection plan has been completed.
The Silviculture Site Visit Report 2014 is now available.
June 29, 2015
Independent Forest Audit field season has begun.
June 22, 2015
The Forestry Futures Trust Committee is pleased to announce Aaron Dorland R.P.F. as the new FFC Silviculture and eFRI Program Coordinator.
Aaron is a Lakehead University (2000) and Sir Sandford Fleming College (2002) grad who has worked in NW Ontario for 13 years. He brings a strong background in both boreal forest silviculture and GIS from his previous work experience.
March 31, 2015
Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 40 Results
The Forestry Futures Trust Committee received sixteen (16) applications for funding in Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 40 from across the province. The total request for funding was $2.1 million. Fourteen projects were considered eligible for funding and were awarded $1.5 million. The regional distribution of eligible requests and allocated funding by category is illustrated in the accompanying graph.
Forty percent (40%) of funding was allocated to treat areas affected by snow down, wind damage, tornado damage and post-budworm infestation across the province. Several projects were allocated funding in the Insolvency category in the Northwest to focus on treating debris laden areas. No projects were received under the Protection category in this round.
March 26, 2015
Enhanced Forest Resource Inventory (eFRI) Knowledge Transfer & Tool Development program
The Forestry Futures Trust Committee (FFTC) completed the first stage of the Call for Proposals under the Enhanced Forest Resource Inventory (eFRI) Knowledge Transfer & Tool Development program. Twenty-four (24) applications & Letters of Intent (LOI) were received requesting $2.3 million in funding. Successful projects fell into the following themes: research and tools to add value to the current eFRI and imagery; studies for consideration in future inventory development; applications for use of eFRI data in operational field work. Eight projects were successful with one small-scale project approved and seven projects moving forward from the Letter of Intent stage with a total request of $928,000. Applicants included university and private sector researchers, federal and provincial researchers, private consultants, non-governmental organizations (NGO) and forest company staff.
March 23, 2015
Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 39 Results
The Forestry Futures Trust Committee received ten (10) applications for funding in Forestry Futures Trust Silviculture Round 39 from across the province. The total request for funding was $2.8 million. Nine projects were considered eligible for funding and were awarded $2.2 million. The regional distribution of eligible requests and allocated funding by category is illustrated in the accompanying graph.
Stand improvement from the Southern region encompassed the majority of the requested and approved funding for this Round at 55% and 44%, respectively. Tolerant hardwood management in the Northeast and Southern regions accounts for 72% of the approved funding in the stand improvement category. The treatment of a large fire project in the Northeast constitutes 68% of the funding under the remediation category.
For further description of funding categories see the program applicaiton guide in the download forms section
January 26, 2015
Funding available for Forest Resource Inventory applied research projects, tech transfer and training.
The Forestry Futures Trust Committee is pleased to announce a Call for Proposals (click here for full details) for eligible projects under the Enhanced Forest Resource Inventory (eFRI) Knowledge Transfer & Tool Development program. Up to $500,000 will be allocated in this first Round for projects up to two years in duration. The program is open to all interested applicants including, but not limited to, university and private sector researchers, federal and provincial applied researchers, private consultants, non-governmental organizations (NGO), forest company staff, who can provide expertise in the areas of:
Digital land and provincial forest imagery (Ontario)
Forest inventory development within the context of Ontario’s Crown forests
Processes to link imagery with land or forest inventory to meet operational or management needs at the local to provincial scales (applicable to Ontario’s forests)
Creative solutions for developing and utilizing digital imagery and forest inventory
Projects that develop and/or update decision support tools linking the enhanced forest resource inventory to forest management and operational planning processes and/or refine the image interpretation or inventory development and/or projects that incorporate training opportunities to upgrade the skills of users of Ontario’s eFRI increasing the uptake and usage of decision support tools will be given priority for Round One. Please note that all projects must include a knowledge and technology transfer component.
January 7, 2015
Applications for FFT Silviculture Round 40 are now closed.